Quick Overview:
ASP.NET Core is a new platform for building and running web apps deployed on IIS, AppFabric, or any web server capable of hosting .NET apps. It’s the successor to ASP.NET, the .NET framework for building websites and applications. ASP.NET Core is a fully cross-platform, open-source web framework that provides a unified programming model across desktop, mobile, IoT, and cloud. It offers a complete experience for building modern web applications. ASP.NET Core is built on the same platform as .NET Framework, the same version running on Windows, macOS, and Linux. In this article, you will learn common architectures in ASP.NET.

What is ASP.NET Core?

ASP.NET Core is an open-source project based on the .NET Framework technology and was developed by Microsoft. It supports many platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile devices such as Android and iOS. ASP.NET is a server-side programming environment developed by Microsoft for building Web applications and services. It provides a complete developer experience for creating and running dynamic Web content based on the .NET Framework and its various extensions, such as ASP.NET Core MVC, ASP.NET Web Forms, and ASP.NET Ajax. 

ASP.NET is a web application development framework that makes it easier for developers to build highly scalable, maintainable, and secure websites. Microsoft developed it to provide an object-oriented, server-side environment for developing dynamic web applications. ASP.NET is a platform for building websites and web applications. It provides a combination of features that make it easier to build, deploy, and manage responsive, real-time applications on the Web. Hire .NET Core Developers who can leverage the benefits of ASP.NET to create high-performing and scalable web solutions.

What are the Common Architectures in ASP.NET Core?

The ASP.NET Core project template creates a new ASP.NET Core web application. The project template uses Microsoft Asp.Net core. All meta package includes support for the following architectures:

  • Domain Layer
  • Application Layer
  • Infrastructure Layer
  • Presentation Layer
  • User Interface Layer

Domain Layer

The domain layer is the layer where you define your application’s domain classes and services. In the Clean architecture approach, the application’s business logic resides in this specific layer, where you actively define how to structure and store your data. The domain layer is where your business logic sits. It contains all your business objects, repositories, and any services that expose them to other parts of the application. The domain layer is the lowest layer of an application.

It contains all the business logic required to run a website or web service. The domain layer is often considered the most important part of any ASP.NET application because it makes your application real. The Domain Layer is the lowest layer of the ASP.NET stack and is responsible for all of your application’s underlying functionality and services. The Domain Layer is similar to the physical hardware layer since it provides file access and database management services.

Application Layer

The application layer is where you’ll write code that makes up your application. It includes the interface (UI) components containing presentation and data binding logic. The application layer also includes service–based code that runs in the background to handle client requests, such as an ASP.NET web page or a mobile phone app. The application or presentation layer is where you design and build your user interface. This is where you determine how users interact with your site through forms, data entry boxes, and other forms of interaction.

The Application Layer is responsible for building and managing web applications in a very high-level manner. It consists of an application’s user interface components, typically written using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other technologies that make up the UI framework.

Infrastructure Layer

The infrastructure layer defines the basic objects used to construct an application. The infrastructure layer includes a set of core .NET Framework assemblies that define classes for working with network resources, such as files and databases. It also defines application-specific interfaces connecting remote web services and other applications. In addition, the infrastructure layer includes classes that are available to all applications by default, such as the HttpContext class and the WebClient class.

The infrastructure layer depends on the presentation and data access tiers; these tiers share a common set of functionality used by both tiers and then exposed through each tier’s defined interfaces.

Presentation Layer

The presentation layer is the most visible part of your ASP.NET website, as it displays the data to the user. In ASP.NET MVC, this layer is implemented using either Razor or HTML helpers. The presentation layer creates HTML documents using ASP.NET controls, templating engines such as Razor or Handlebars, and MVC controllers. It’s where you’ll find your business logic code that interacts with the data stored in your databases and persists data between requests to the server. The presentation layer is the layer that defines the structure, content, and appearance of an application.

It is also responsible for responding to requests from the user interface (UI) layer and providing access to underlying business logic. The MVC pattern has been very successful in web development because it allows for separating concerns between your application’s structure and code. It also allows for more testable code and easier application maintenance. You can easily reuse code across multiple pages and maintain a high testability level without testing each page individually.

User Interface Layer

The user interface layer provides an interface between the front-end application and the database. This can be done using a non-visual language such as ASP.NET Web API or .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server or Entity Framework or a visual framework such as ASP.NET MVC or Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). On the other hand, the user interface (UI) layer is responsible for defining how the application looks and feels to its users. This can include colors, fonts, the layout of controls (e.g., buttons and text boxes), and how data appears in a view or data grid.

What is the Clean Architecture of ASP.NET?

The Clean Architecture of ASP.NET aims to enable developers to create and maintain a web application in the MVC framework independently of the underlying database and other third-party systems. The Clean Architecture of ASP.NET enables developers to separate the business logic from the data access layer and any presentation logic. Clean Architecture is a software design pattern that helps you separate your application into different layers, each with its own responsibility. The Clean Architecture aims to create a high-level, loosely coupled system that is easier to modify and maintain.

Clean architecture aims to reduce coupling by separating entities (classes) from their dependencies, enabling separate testing of each entity. Another advantage of using Clean architecture is that it allows us to reuse existing code as much as possible, which leads to faster development time and better maintainability. The clean architecture approach aims to ensure that all components of an application are loosely coupled and focused on solving a single problem. It focuses on decomposing an application into smaller parts (or modules), each with its responsibility, which developers can then implement independently of other modules. This allows developers to focus on what they do best and not waste time figuring out how everything works together.

Develop .NET Web Application with ASP.NET Technologies

Bring your web app ideas to ASP.NET development experts. Hire our skilled .NET developers to build secure, scalable web & desktop web applications.


ASP.NET Web Application is built using Visual Studio and its web development tools. The application runs on top of ASP.NET, which provides a complete framework for building web applications while allowing developers to use their favorite code editors and tools for building other types of applications as well. This lightweight application server technology can be used to create REST-based services. It provides a simple way to connect to other services and integrate with existing systems.

Parag Mehta

Verified Expert in Software & Web App Engineering

Parag Mehta, the CEO and Founder of Positiwise Software Pvt Ltd has extensive knowledge of the development niche. He is implementing custom strategies to craft highly-appealing and robust applications for its clients and supporting employees to grow and ace the tasks. He is a consistent learner and always provides the best-in-quality solutions, accelerating productivity.

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