Quick Overview:
Microsoft created the open-source, cross-platform .NET Core framework to help .NET developers create contemporary apps. Because of its cross-platform capabilities and compliance with Linux, .NET Core is a flexible option for developers who want to construct high-performing, reliable apps that work across various operating systems. In this blog, you will explore the various features and advantages of Linux’s .NET core.


Hosting ASP.NET Core software on Windows is more complex than hosting it on Linux. It is a unique, feature-rich framework that offers blazingly quick speed and a rapid API for various web applications.

In this article, we walk through how to quickly host several ASP.NET Core applications on an Ubuntu Linux server using Apache as a proxy or reverse proxy server.

Understanding What .NET Core Is

It also comes with every element companies need to create precise online applications.

Microsoft’s .NET framework is used to develop contemporary cloud-based and web-connected apps. Its goal is to facilitate the development of languages, APIs, compilers, and software components. It works with Windows and macOS using both .NET Framework and .NET Core.

.Net core web apps are the forerunners of the newest technologies becoming increasingly popular in the software industry. These days, cloud-based apps are very frequently developed using this kind of enhanced structure.

Working with .NET Core Linux has many advantages, including the fact that your code will be cross-platform. The method uses Linux containers for testing and Windows for code development. When you think this combination works the best. Therefore, you must install Docker and Hyper-V on your Windows development system.

Configuring and Utilising Linux for .Net

A well-liked development platform that lets programmers create a variety of apps for Windows and other devices is the .NET framework. The .NET runtime and SDK can run .NET programs on Linux despite the framework’s primary association with Windows. This tutorial will assist you whether you’re a developer wishing to create cross-platform apps or just want to run your current .NET code on a Linux computer.

  • First, use the terminal to type “dotnet — version” to see if the .NET runtime is installed on your Linux distribution.
  • The most recent .NET SDK for Linux can be downloaded from the Microsoft website if the runtime hasn’t been installed.
  • After the download, launch a terminal and go to the SDK’s downloaded directory. Do “sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-3.1” on your Linux system to install the .NET SDK.
  • Using the terminal command “dotnet new console -n myApp,” you can start a new.NET project once the installation is finished.
  • Go to the development directory and type “dotnet build” into the terminal to begin building the application.

Why Should Software and Web Applications Use .NET Core?

ASP .Net Core Linux install enables web application developers to create the programming code once and have it operate on various platforms, which is advantageous for organizations looking to reach the most significant potential audience through Windows, Android, Linux, and iOS. It offers faster and more efficient operation than the previous iterations.

The Open Source Framework .NET Core

The developer community already favors the Core version of .NET on Linux because it is open-source. Anyone is free to edit, review, and add to the source of this framework. Moreover, the enormous .NET Core community offers assistance to speed up and ease the creation of applications. Developers don’t have to wait for new releases because bug fixes and improvements are released much more frequently.

Depending on the project’s requirements, developers can add libraries, framework components, and other pieces. Furthermore, you do not need to update the framework from scratch whenever a new or updated version is available.

Assistance For Cloud-Based And Cross-Platform Applications Development

The cross-platform architecture of .NET Core is one of its main features. This framework was formerly created just with Windows. However, programs and software tools developed using this structure can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS, among other platforms. The Visual Studio IDE is another tool that allows developers to work together on projects by building web applications for specific operating systems.

Features like independent application packaging, cross-platform compatibility, and simple installations set .NET Core apart. As a result, it’s an excellent platform for developing sophisticated enterprise web apps. Regardless of the platform or operating system, an application’s code can be used for other software development once it has been produced.

Features of the Programming Reestablished

The .NET Core framework has many features and capabilities due to the considerable upgrading of the ASP.NET stack, which includes:

  • Automated storage administration
  • Designing for several platforms
  • Absence of linguistic obstacles
  • Garbage collection
  • Administration of packages
  • Programming that is not linear

Enterprise web apps have many features that are easy to use and configurable.

When enterprise developers possess these qualities, creating robust, sophisticated, and intricate web apps becomes more accessible, faster, and more efficient.

Maximum Efficiency

Each business solution must incorporate “high performance,” according to developers. We can be sure of superior performance, versatility, and accessibility when we choose .NET Core. Programming codes can also be written, maintained, reused, or modified by developers thanks to the new technology. The only things making it feasible are the .NET Core’s core libraries and tool optimization. This unique web development framework optimizes code automatically while the page is being compiled. Code performance is enhanced as a result.

Ease of Maintenance Combined With Elegance

The framework can handle tasks like form obedience, site settings, and client authentication more quickly and easily. Additionally, it features the tried-and-true Model, View, and Controller (MVC) design. This new version makes things more straightforward and accessible to inspect, facilitating the development of custom web apps and APIs. It helps programmers write code, test, and debug all software architectures, as was previously described. Reusable codes make it much simpler and faster to modify and manage the development of web applications. It also comes with server-side and event-based programming components that come with .NET Core and are simple to maintain.

Outstanding Tools for Developers To Increase Their Productivity

The .NET Core comes with many development tools, such as Jetbrains, Resharper, and others, simplifying testing and launching a wide range of apps. The Core version of .NET includes Microsoft Visual Studio, one of the best IDEs for complex .NET projects. In addition to other advanced features, this makes code completion, GIT integration, troubleshooting, profiling, and unit testing simple.

Versatility and Variety to Explore

One benefit of using .NET Core for enterprise web application development is its flexible foundation. With the help of this framework, you may create cutting-edge web apps and quickly move between mobile and desktop apps. The framework helps create reliable, excellent, and creative apps by offering much freedom to the application development process.

Durability And Prospective Design Paths

This new technology platform requires less code and is designed with future dependability in mind. Less coding is needed, which makes managing enterprise web applications easier. Its programming, however, can only be approached in various ways; instead, it calls for experts who can provide the proper reasoning for the application. With .NET Core, skilled developers can increase their coding choices while minimizing design directives and error-prone situations.

Integrating Web.Api and MVC

The merging of Web.API and MVC in .NET Core are incredible architectural advancements in Core controllers, MVC, and Web.API uses the same ones. For many years, .NET MVC has become increasingly popular; however, there have been reports of problems in maintaining two separate base codes lately. Microsoft brought together the Web.API and MVC with .NET Core, creating a comprehensive solution for web application creation.

Explore The Various Benefits of the .NET Core.

Because of its advantages, developers use Core to create apps that fulfill the highest compatibility, scalability, and performance requirements while still catering to contemporary customers’ demands.

Cross-Platform Interoperability

By eschewing the restrictions of its forerunner, the conventional .NET Framework, .NET Core frees developers from platform limits. It enables them to write applications that run well on various Linux distributions and macOS in addition to Windows.

Elevated Efficiency

Performance is the most critical factor in modern applications, especially those that cater to demanding scenarios like resource-intensive operations, complicated calculations, or demanding workloads to satisfy user expectations. By streamlining its runtime and utilizing Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, .NET Core leaps ahead in this area. Because the code is translated into native machine code during runtime, this compilation technique results in a faster execution.

Architecture in Modules

Because of the robust foundation provided by .NET Core’s modularity, developers may precisely choose which components and frameworks to incorporate. This method simplifies maintenance tasks while reducing the application’s total footprint. Codebases can become smaller and easier to manage when developers carefully add the required components.

Microservices and Containerization

Microservices architecture and containerization are critical components of modern application development. Because it provides native support for Docker containers, .NET Core on Linux shines in these areas. Developers can now design, implement, and scale apps uniformly across a variety of settings because of this interoperability. Moreover, the lightweight design of .NET Core is consistent with the microservices strategy, allowing developers to design and manage separate, scalable functions that can work together.

Application Model Frameworks for .NET: What Are They?

The software model frameworks are a set of libraries and developer tools that facilitate the quick and easy building of.NET projects. Various frameworks are available for different kinds of applications, including the ones mentioned below.

Internet-Based Programs

The. The NET developer platform has been expanded with the ASP.NET framework, especially for creating web apps. It is compatible with web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and REST APIs. It offers multi-factor and outside authentication with an integrated user database. ASP.NET has an integrated security system that guards your .NET apps against cyberattacks and accepts industry-standard authentication mechanisms.

Applications for Mobile Devices

Xamarin/Mono allows you to run .NET programs on iOS, Android, and other major mobile operating systems. Xamarin comprises an open-source mobile interface framework called Xamarin.Forms. Xamarin. Form is a tool used by .NET developers to design a unified user experience for mobile devices. The .NET applications can have a uniform appearance across many mobile platforms.

Desktop Programs

Xamarin is available to develop desktop applications. The Universal Windows Platform also expands the development of .NET Windows 10 applications. Other Windows UI design frameworks are Windows Presentation Foundation and Windows Forms.

Additional Uses

You may create and incorporate unique artificial intelligence models into your .NET apps using ML.NET. To create apps for sensors and other smart devices, utilize the .NET IoT Libraries. Numerous .NET libraries can be created, shared, and used with Nuget for nearly any purpose.

Enhanced Performance to Enable Apps that Run More Quickly and Effectively

In the digital age, application performance is becoming increasingly crucial for organizations to maintain competitiveness. Enhancing the functionality of their applications enables companies to serve clients faster and more effectively, meeting their needs promptly. By lowering the time needed for maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting, this increased performance also aids businesses in streamlining their processes and cutting expenses.

Businesses can use componentization and virtualization of apps and services to increase performance. While virtualization allows resources to be shared across different systems, componentization divides a massive system into smaller, easier-to-manage components.

Businesses can also enhance the speed of their apps by utilizing technologies like load balancing, clustering, and caching. Companies might also consider database structure optimization to enhance application performance. Businesses may ensure that knowledge is always accessible when needed and drastically reduce reaction times by increasing the efficiency of information retention and retrieval. Because less effort and resources are required to maintain the database, this can also aid in lowering the cost of software maintenance.

And last, there is a heavy emphasis on routinely testing the performance of applications to find any areas that require improvement. Using automated performance testing tools, companies can identify problems before they become too expensive or challenging to resolve.


This blog article shows how to use Apache as a reverse proxy to host numerous ASP.NET Core applications on a Linux Ubuntu server. Hosting an ASP.NET Core application on Linux is simple when you use this method. Hence, give the instructions in this blog article a try. Additionally, you can contact us via our feedback, support, or forum portals. As usual, we are pleased to help you!

Parag Mehta

Verified Expert in Software & Web App Engineering

Parag Mehta, the CEO and Founder of Positiwise Software Pvt Ltd has extensive knowledge of the development niche. He is implementing custom strategies to craft highly-appealing and robust applications for its clients and supporting employees to grow and ace the tasks. He is a consistent learner and always provides the best-in-quality solutions, accelerating productivity.

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