Quick Overview:
This article will comprehend how to build full-stack app development by combining Angular with .Net. Our focus will be on seamlessly integrating Angular, the leading frontend technology, with the robust ASP.NET Core 6, a backend framework renowned for its versatility.

But before we dive deeper and get to know how to do the same, let’s first explore the multitude of benefits of using ASP.NET Core for your Angular application, how they complement each other, and find answers to two of the most searched queries – Is angular a frontend or backend technology? Is .NET a frontend or backend framework?

Is Angular Front-end or Backend?

Angular is undeniably a front-end technology designed to build interactive user interfaces and enhance the user experience. It empowers developers to create dynamic and responsive web and single-page applications that run smoothly in the browser. With its robust framework and extensive toolset, Angular facilitates developers to address front-end tasks efficiently.

Angular has transformed frontend development by introducing a modular and component-based architecture, which has replaced older frameworks. This architectural shift allowed developers to break down complex UI elements into reusable components, resulting in better code organization and maintainability.

Is .NET Front-end or Backend?

.NET, encompassing ASP.NET Core, can be predominantly tagged as a backend technology. It functions as a formidable framework for constructing robust server-side applications, effectively managing essential tasks such as data processing, business logic implementation, and seamless communication with databases. With an emphasis on server-side operations, .NET aids developers in creating efficient and secure web services, APIs, and “n” number of backend functionalities.

While .NET is primarily associated with backend development, it can seamlessly integrate or merge with frontend technologies like Angular to facilitate full-stack application development. By combining the power of .NET’s backend abilities with Angular’s frontend prowess, developers can also craft sophisticated, feature-rich web apps that provide seamless UX.

.NET Core Advantages and How It Compliments Angular?

  • High Performance: ASP.NET Core offers excellent performance for your Angular front, leading to faster page loads and smoother interactions for a better user experience.
  • Scalability: ASP.NET Core’s scalability is crucial for expanding applications to manage more significant traffic and demands while maintaining performance and stability. This scalability ensures your application can grow alongside your user base without hiccups.
  • Security: ASP.NET Core prioritizes digital security with robust features that shield your Angular application from common (familiar) web vulnerabilities, ensuring that your users’ data and sensitive information are safe and secure.
  • Cross-Platform Capabilities: ASP.NET Core enables developers to reach users using different platforms (whether it’s Windows, macOS, Linux, etc.), making it easy for your Angular application to cater to users on their preferred devices and across different environments.
  • Harmonious Development: Combining Angular with .NET Core produces a seamless development process with a unified C# language ecosystem. This promotes code reusability and enhances collaboration within the team.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Build Full-Stack Application Combining Angular with .NET

It’s really a simple process consisting of six straightforward steps mentioned below:

  1. Set Up the Development Environment
  2. Create the Angular Front
  3. Create the Backend with .NET
  4. Develop the App by combining Angular with .NET
  5. Test and Debug
  6. Deploy and host the App

Now, let’s probe these in detail.

1. Set Up the Development Environment

Follow the steps mentioned below to set up the development environment or ecosystem:

  • Ensure Node.js and npm are installed for managing Angular dependencies.
  • Install Angular CLI for easy project creation, building, and testing.
  • Install .NET Core 6 SDK and Runtime for backend development.

2. Create the Angular Front

Follow the steps mentioned below to create the angular front:

  • Initiate the app development process by using the command prompt and running “ng new YourAppName.
  • Configure API endpoints via environment.ts or environment-specific configuration files.

3. Create the Backend with .NET

Follow the steps mentioned below to create the backend with .NET:

  • Choose between ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET MV frameworks for the backend.
  • Create the backend using “dotnet new webapi -n projectname” in the command prompt.
  • Set up database connections and implement authentication for the backend.

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4. Develop the App by combining Angular with .NET

Follow the steps mentioned below to develop the app by combining Angular with .NET:

  • Utilize Angular CLI to generate various application components.
  • Leverage Angular’s HttpClient module to format HTTP requests to the backend API.
  • Develop components responsible for data submission, manipulation, and retrieval.

5. Test and Debug

Follow the steps mentioned below to test and debug the application:

  • Compose unit tests for Angular components and services using frameworks like Jasmine.
  • Run tests with the “ng test” command in Angular CLI.
  • Test the backend by employing frameworks like NUnit.

6. Deploy and host the Application

Follow the steps mentioned below to deploy and host the application:

  • Compile the app with the “ng build” Angular CLI command.
  • To construct an executable package, publish the backend using “dotnet publish” .NET CLI cmd.
  • Host the app on platforms like Microsoft Azure, AWS, or a private server with knowledge of the process.

Integration Aspects for Combining Angular with .NET

CommunicationEnsure seamless communication between Angular and .NET by using HTTP requests and RESTful APIs. API endpoints enable the front end to interact with the backend, delivering accurate responses and minimizing errors.
Data ExchangeFacilitate efficient data exchange with JSON, a structured format supported by both Angular and .NET. Angular can send data to the backend for storage, while the backend responds with JSON data, enabling smooth frontend functionality.
Authentication & AuthorizationImplement secure authentication and authorization using .NET’s authentication frameworks like ASP.NET Identity. Authenticate frontend routes for controlled access to sensitive areas of the application.

From Where to Hire .Net Developer to Outsource Your Full Stack Applications?

To hire .NET developers, Positiwise, a reputable Microsoft Certified Partner, emerges as an exceptional choice. Positiwise’s expertise lies in the .NET framework, an open-source, cross-platform compatible framework developed and maintained by Microsoft.

Leveraging this robust framework, our professional .NET developers offer comprehensive .Net development services, including ASP.NET Core, .NET 6, React, or Angular frontends, as well as React Native applications with full-stack development services. By selecting Positiwise as your outsourcing partner, you can rest assured that your full-stack application will be managed by specialists who can provide top-notch bespoke solutions as per your specific requirements.

Conclusion on Build Full Stack App with Angular and ASP.NET Core

Creating a powerful Full Stack application by combining Angular with ASP.NET Core is a straightforward process, encompassing six steps. First, set up the development environment. Next, create the Angular front. Then, construct the backend using .NET. After that, develop the app by integrating Angular with .NET. Thoroughly test and debug the application to ensure it works correctly. Finally, deploy and host the fully functional application. By following this systematic approach, developers can build feature-rich and efficient applications that cater to user needs and deliver exceptional performance.

Parag Mehta

Verified Expert in Software & Web App Engineering

Parag Mehta, the CEO and Founder of Positiwise Software Pvt Ltd has extensive knowledge of the development niche. He is implementing custom strategies to craft highly-appealing and robust applications for its clients and supporting employees to grow and ace the tasks. He is a consistent learner and always provides the best-in-quality solutions, accelerating productivity.

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