Quick Overview:
The .NET technology has been the most crucial technological stack by Microsoft all these years. The development team at Microsoft strives to ensure that they include every crucial feature and functionality needed to make it stand out within the market, strengthen security, enhance performance, and then easily integrate along with streamlining the maintenance practices. In this blog post, we will look at the details of the latest Performance Optimization with the .NET 8 version that you must focus on to ensure optimal performance of your .NET applications.

The Reasons For Performance Optimization with .NET 8

Below are the reasons why performance optimization with Dot NET 8 is an ideal choice for your business to make your business applications faster, scalable, secure, and reliable.

JIT Compiler Improved

The JIT is the main compiler within the .NET technology and is amongst the main components for making the app faster for multiple use cases. Microsoft with the latest dot NET 8 version has boosted the application speed by upgrading the JIT compiler with tiering and the dynamic profile guided optimization (PGO) which allows efficient code swapping, faster access to the values, and optimized communication amid the compiler and the processor, leading to improved performance.


It is one of the core concepts within the DotNet8 ecosystem. The Branching is important to the coding structures of the .NET via ternaries, loops, and the if-else statements, which collectively play a vital role across versions such as .NET 6, .NET 7, .NET 8, and still the excessive branching can lead to an increase in the resource usage which further affects the costs of handling the user requests.

However, within the .NET 8, the Microsoft development team has optimized the compiler to decrease the CPU resource consumption during the execution of the branched code, which further enhances the branch predictors to discern all the paths which further leads to a single output which results in the execution of the only relevant code paths and deliver branchless outputs to the users. Also, the new path predictor helps companies reduce processing costs, and maintain consistency for various probabilities (Example 0.5 and 1) throughout the software development lifecycle.

NativeAOT Optimization

Within the .NET 8 version, the NativeAOT optimization helps reduce the app size and further improves the loading and processing speed. Through support for the runtime data structures using the pointers, the framework helps minimize the app size by converting thousands of kilobytes of data into smaller footprints. The Type tracking removal further enhances the performance and reduces the storage needs for reflection information while eliminating the generic dictionaries further reduces the app size. Further, these optimizations improve the app size and reduce the deployment and maintenance costs.

VM Improvements

With Dot NET 8 the development team at Microsoft has optimized the virtual machine components that handle the type loading and assembly management leading to significant performance improvements.

The core improvements include the instruction mapping of pointers associated with the “MethodDesc,” optimization of the “ExecutableAllocator” used by the JIT at the runtime, and the reductions within the validations and the startup time along with the improved lookups for the nested R2R image types. These optimizations make the .NET 8 work faster compared to the .NET 7 improving the over-efficiency of cache memory usage by the JIT compiler and reducing the cache misses, thereby saving additional cost, time, and effort.

Garbage Collection Improved

The .NET 8 has made some significant improvements within the garbage collection to address the memory leaks and the inefficiencies. The new dynamic mechanism automatically frees up space used by the non-running methods and components, reducing memory leaks and ensuring a fair memory allocation. Also, the server-side garbage collection supports Dynamic Adaptation to the Application Sizes or DATAS, adjusting the heap count depending on the app size and the requirements, leading to better throughput and memory footprint. These enhancements help improve the overall performance by efficiently managing the memory.

Extension Library Optimization

Within the .NET 8, the extension libraries and frameworks such as the Entity framework, Blazor, and the ASP.NET Core have been optimized to use fewer resources and to improve the application performance. The key updates include the faster, and more secure APIs and data transfer, improved routing, model binding, query capabilities, and JavaScript interoperability. Also, your developers can now use the C# in place of the JavaScript for multiple tasks further leading to improved performance and efficiency.

Improved Serialization

The DotNet 8 version has serialization and deserialization of “System.Text.Json” which have improved with six new configurations, giving a boost to the application performance by up to 30%. These improvements include the support for the init and required properties, custom methods, for managing the missing JSON members, optimized Native AOT for better reliability, explicit control over the JsonSerializerOptions instances, replacement of the “AddContext()” with “TypeInfoResolverChain” and “TypeInfoResolver” properties and dynamic runtime support for the compiler-generated types.

Network Optimization

Within .NET 8 the networking has been further optimized to improve the real-time functionalities and the robust connections. Further improvements include better IPV6 address storage, use of the vector instructions for the endianness, and span targets to reduce the memory allocation.

The endpoint processing overhead is eliminated, and the array data is handled more efficiently. The “Uri” networking primitive is optimized by replacing the substring allocations with the spans and removing the unsafe code parsing, ensuring maximum performance and security for the networking operations.


In .NET 8, vectorization is enhanced to process the 512 bits simultaneously, enabling up to 16 integers processing in a single cycle, provided the hardware supports it. This improvement builds on the capabilities of the .NET 6 and the .NET 7 which handled the 128 and the 256 bits. This resulted, in the .NET offering greater efficiency and higher performance than the previous versions.

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In the end, we can infer that performance optimization with .NET 8 comes with its set of features and functionalities that are an ideal explanation for the difference between .NET 7 to .NET 8 that you must focus on for improved performance, core components like the NativeAOT, JIT, networking methods, VM, garbage collection, and more. Based on these changes and the performance optimizations, it is the faster and the most efficient version of the .NET. As a business owner, you can also get in touch with a leading .NET application development company and upgrade your existing .NET application to the latest .NET 8 version.

Parag Mehta

Verified Expert in Software & Web App Engineering

Parag Mehta, the CEO and Founder of Positiwise Software Pvt Ltd has extensive knowledge of the development niche. He is implementing custom strategies to craft highly-appealing and robust applications for its clients and supporting employees to grow and ace the tasks. He is a consistent learner and always provides the best-in-quality solutions, accelerating productivity.

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